SUMITY – the European Digital Innovation Hub dedicated to Sustainable and Human City
Along with the most representative universities, research laboratories, large companies and innovation clusters, we are launching SUMITY.
This EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub) project aims at gathering technical, human and financial resources to accelerate the digital and ecological transformation of companies and territories of Ile-de-France and Hauts-de-France regions. Unveiling this ambitious project.
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What is an EDIH ?
Spotlight on the European Digital Innovation Hubs.
As part of the Digitising European Industry program, EDIH (European Digital Innovation Hub) refer to groups of stakeholders committed to constitute a unique contact point enabling companies of their territories to build collaborative relationships with the players and ecosystems they need to achieve their digital transformation.
After a first national preselection by States members, the European Commission will select the EDIH chosen for the 2021-2023 period.

SUMITY Manifesto
The four beliefs which led to SUMITY's creation.
What the crisis taught us
The Covid-19 crisis has been a strong revealer of all our vulnerabilities. Our traditional models for development have reached their upper limits. Our societies fragility and our lack of resilience are more than ever apparent.
A necessary refoundation
More than recovery plans, our economic states and societies need from now on the refoundation of our development models.
This refoundation needs to be based on enhanced policies for innovation geared towards the essential needs (health, education, accommodation, environment) and the achievement of the objectives of energetic sobriety set by the Paris Agreements.
Sobriety and resilience designing the equation
Ecological and digital being at the crossroads of the biggest transitions, SUMITY gathers the most representative research centers, public authorities and businesses to design and build sober and resilient cities and territories.
Focus & impact
To answer the climatic, social and environmental emergency, SUMITY will focus its services on a high impact challenge: accelerate the digital and ecological transformation for traditional SME and public authorities by using artificial intelligence (AI) and datas.
To address these challenges, SUMITY put in the spotlight the citizen involvement and their commitment on its projects.

SUMITY offer
SUMITY offers a tailored support to accelerate the digital and ecological transition of communities and SMEs.
An integrated offer to boost all your innovative projects
- Awareness-rising on innovation mechanisms and staff training
- Identification of a target project
- Diagnosis of the project with dedicated experts
- Mediation with the stakeholders
- Support to define the tender specifications
- Support on the business modelling process
- Support to define the suppliers selection criteria
- Innovation support throughout the project development
The keys to achieve your digital and ecological transformation
- Free first diagnosis
- In-depth diagnosis with the experts from SUMITY
- Budget and road-map setting
- Funding research
- Suppliers selection
- Selection of a partner research lab (if R&D needed)
- Linking with public authorities or technological platform to test and validate an innovation solution
- Support throughout the different evolution stage, staff training and/or hiring process

SUMITY Alliance
Excellence to answer high level challenges.
Research and training
- Sorbonne Université
- Université Gustave Eiffel
- Université Paris 8
- Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
- Université Sorbonne Paris Nord
- Inria
- Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines
- Université de Lille
- Université de technologie de Compiègne
- Campus d’enseignement supérieur et de formation professionnelle
- Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment
Large companies
- Orange
- Groupe Bouygues
- Engie
- Vinci
Clusters, organisations and federations
- Cap Digital
- Efficacity
- Faubourg Numérique
- Rêves de Scènes Urbaine
- R3ilab
- Renocoop
- Entreprise Europe network
- EIT Health
- EIT Digital
- EIT Climate-KIC