Have a look to DIY4U Open Innovation Call winners
The DIY4U project enables consumers to collaborate with manufacturers to design and create personalised Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCGs), though the DIY4U digital platform and Fablabs (small scale manufacturing demonstration facilities).
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From February to April 2021, DIY4U has launched an Open Innovation Call with the aim of selecting and funding suitable proposals covering the development of additional digital functionalities for the DIY4U platform. These additional functionalities will enhance and extend the existing platform, supporting the innovative nature of the DIY4U approach in the areas described below.

Develop decentralized customer-centric product design & production approaches for FMCGs
Each SME/Startup will receive up to €50K equity free funding.
In the end, DIY4U has selected projects around 4 identified topics
Sales virtual assistant
Algomo, from United Kingdom, will develop and integrate a virtual assistant that helps the customers of DIY4U in a complete sales and acquisition process: from identification of needs, customization, payment and all the way to the customer satisfaction evaluation.
Decentralized payment
Ingenium Blockchain Technologies, from Romania, will extend the functionalities of the DIY4U platform by adding modules for processing payments. The technology will use a certified infrastructure for payments and over a blockchain network. Beside the processing of transactions, a business component will be added to allow splitting of transactions based on previously established commercial agreements from the supply chain.
Suplly chain planning
Axiobit, from Ireland, will deliver a series of process-oriented components meant to collect and analyze data from the DIY4U platform that are related to supply chain forecasting. Based on the previously designed processes, they will design and develop a software module capable of offering supply chain planning features, enriched by visual tools and assisted by AI algorithms.
Monitoring performance
Geoview Systems, from Hungary, will build a monitoring tool for in-depth analytics, tracking and measuring performance that includes 4 data harvesters (financial, customer, activity, resources analyzed and displayed into a dashboard component. Using this technology, the DIY4U platform administrator will be able to identify and measure the efficiency of the business model and possible improvements.