Futur.e.s Festival 2019 : Back to the Futur.e.s !
On the 13th and 14th of June 2019, Futur.e.s Festival, the biggest innovation and digital European festival organized by Cap Digital, occurred in the prestigious Gobelins Gallery (Manufacture des Gobelins), one of the most emblematic places in the capital, representing the excellency of traditional know-how in upholstered furniture for the major places of the French Republique.

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Each year, Futur.e.s Festival is the annual meeting to celebrate the latest French and international cutting-edge technologies related to 6 key markets such as digital health and well-being, industries and services, culture and education as well as sustainable city and mobility.
As a pioneer in the field of emerging technologies and digital trends, Futur.e.s Festival is the perfect place for innovators and professionals to meet and share their experiences and to directly confront to the market expectations as well. It also gives an insight of the ambitious innovation projects carrying out currently in those 6 tracks to a broader public.
During two days, the Festival showcased it through a round of conferences, new collaborative formats and unusual artistic experiments to offer a unique experience for its visitors, professionals and broad public.
In general, Futur.e.s Festival is a 360-degree experience of innovation, exploring every nuke and corner of tomorrow’s life. An inspiring and unmissable rendezvous.
Into figures…
- 2 days to innovate, experiment, meet, share and learn
- 80 demos to imbue yourself and discover the latest trends in digital and sustainable innovation
- 70 conferences and masterclasses to understand more the current issues of digital innovation regarding the ethics
- 150 international speakers to debate on the future of sustainable innovation at a larger-scale
- 10 000 visitors coming from various environments.
An anniversary devoted to ” make society “
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Festival, Cap Digital’s team and partners decided to reinvent its concept to make it a memorable event with a new location, a new visual identity and a new target.
Optimistic, inclusive and diversified, the 2019 Edition was the occasion to put in the spotlights the fresh digital enterprises contributing in their own way to impact positively tomorrow’s societies.
The Festival focused more particularly on the topic of sustainable city with, at its centre, the development of user-friendly innovations in the way of promoting a larger access to services and infrastructures to citizens with the help of digital technologies.
All along the events, it highlighted all forms of innovations dedicated to better serve the users, directly or indirectly in their daily needs and preoccupations, in accordance with the idea of ensuring the inclusivity and sustainability of all forms of innovations.

The highlights of the Festival
Among the highlights, some of the conferences have shaken the debate on future and emerging technologies. Learning societies, open culture, sustainable cities, tech care and digital rehab were the hottest topics of this Edition. Here is a selection of our favourite conferences.
During half-an-hour, Touria Meliani, the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam has shared with the audience the policies of the City of Amsterdam on digitalization which go beyond the concept of Smart Cities and facilitating innovation.
Listen to the integral podcast on Sondekla platform !
In the framework of URBAN EU-CHINA project (Horizon 2020), Cap Digital invited European and Chinese stakeholders, public representatives and experts for half-a-day to debate on the future of sustainable cities. “Do sustainable cities models exist? What are the common standards, the differences and their similarities between Europe and China and what is important to know in terms of technology transfer, Intellectual property rights, public procurement?” are some of the topics hat where highlighted during this workshop.
A one-hour debate with Bibi Russell, Fashion designer and Maud Behaghel, Country Manager France in United Wardrobe on the topic of sustainable fashion with low- or high-tech innovations to face the problem of high-polluted fashion industries.
Listen to the integral podcast on Sondekla platform !
And the award goes to…
The rich selection of 80 demos – from a magical storyteller for kids to a sexist aggression’s VR simulator – could undoubtedly suits every taste!
A wide-range of the latest technological advances for a selection based on qualitative and sustainable innovation, away from gimmicks and blusters.
At the end of the festival, the professional and public juries did not mistake by awarding companies guided by those principles such as “D’un seul geste”, a start-up specialized in virtual stimulations of first aid, winner of the Jury Prize, the company “Colivme”, a platform of co-living, winner of the Public Prize and “5th dimension”, an healthcare start-up awarding by the Design Prize for the aesthetic and the innovation of its smart glasses project.
Keeping with its festive identity, Futur.e.s Festival was also the occasion to celebrate new digital art forms and ideas integrating outdoor games, unusual graphic arts exhibition and musical creations.