CDR EUROPE our new European project on digital responsibility
2023 -2027: Corporate Digital Responsibility in Europe (CDR Europe), is an Interreg project with the objective of implementing regional development policies aimed at supporting the adoption of corporate digital responsibility in SMEs.
This will be achieved by promoting the exchange of experiences between European regions, innovative approaches and strengthening skills among regional political actors.

What is an Interreg project?
Interreg is a key European Union (EU) instruments that strengthens cooperation between regions and countries within the EU. As part of the EU’s Cohesion Policy, Interreg plays a vital role in promoting regional development, cohesion, and reducing economic disparities.
This European territorial cooperation is endowed with €11.3 billion for 2021-2027 (3% of the budget allocated to cohesion policy) and aims to encourage European territories to cooperate with each other, regardless of state borders, to manage together common problems related to their specificities (maritime facades, mountainous regions, etc.).
To sum up
Interreg is a European programme to promote cooperation between European regions and the development of common solutions in the fields of urban, rural and coastal development, economic development and environmental management.
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A project in two phases :
2023-2025: main phase devoted to improving policies through learning. The activities cover the exchange of experiences, capacity building, transfer of good practices and innovative approaches. The deliverable of this phase will be an improvement in public policy or an action plan to improve this policy based on the lessons learned from the project.
2026-2027: follow-up phase dedicated to evaluating the first results and making further improvements
Cap Digital’s role
Cap Digital leads the stakeholder group to define some guidelines for the Paris Region and its SMEs.

Focus on the consortium's partners
The CDR Europe project is led by 8 European partners who are members of the consortium, with the support of 2 other leading associated partners.
- Italy : Arezzo Innovazione [leader],
- Italy : Region of Tuscany
- Finland : Region of Southern Ostrobothnia
- Hungary : Ministry of Economy,
- Romania : Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education and RDI,
- Spain : Catalan Cybersecurity Agency,
- Ireland : Cork County
- France : Cap Digital
Two other associated partners support the 8 partners and offer testing grounds :
- France : Paris Région
- Romania : Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalisation.
CDR Europe is a project co-funded by the European Union