Brand-new European project CIRC-BOOST – Boosting the uptake of circular integrated solutions in construction value chains.
Large-scale demonstration and innovative deployment of climate-neutral circular solutions for the treatment, management and recovery of demolition and construction works.
Circ-Boost concept is carefully crafted to fulfill the project’s overarching objective, driving the demonstration and widespread adoption of groundbreaking circular practices. How does Circ-Boost achieve this feat? By aligning Circ-Boost actions with seven key project pillars (pilot, evaluate, enable, marketize, train, connect and promote), each representing a crucial aspect of Circ-Boost journey.
From innovation and collaboration to sustainability and scalability, these pillars form the solid foundation on which Circ-Boost stands. Get ready to witness a revolution in the construction industry as all embark on this endeavor!
Circ-Boost is part of a Horizon Europe project, the European funding program dedicated to research and innovation for the period 2021-2027. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101082068.

Cap Digital's role
Based on three main actions, lead the networking, the coordination of the French pilot and taking part of communication and dissemination actions.
Circ-Boost will provide a space for testing, demonstrating, and validating cutting-edge solutions that will revolutionize the construction sector. Each pilot project is meticulously designed to tackle the unique needs and challenges of five distinct European regions, making them the perfect blueprint for success.
Environmental, economic, and social impacts of large-scale projects will be thoroughly assessed, ensuring a holistic understanding of the transformative power of these solutions.
Circ-Boost goes beyond the pilot projects, aiming to develop a groundbreaking digital solution. By integrating spatial data and information models of existing buildings. This cutting-edge solution will be nurtured through cross-pilot collaboration, showcasing the true strenght of teamwork.
Circ-boost partners will unwavering support to project innovation actors, empowering them to maximize the commercial and business potential of their solutions. Through a carefully curated selection of business and consultancy services, Circ-boost covers the way for effective exploitation measures.
Circ-Boost recognizes the importance of education and training in integrating these solutions within the industry and will support construction and design companies in educating and training their workforce to harness the full potential of these new technologies.
Knowledge sharing and collaboration as Circ-Boost will unlock the full potential of networking activities. Leveraging the extensive presence of Circ-boost partners in regional and international networks, Circ-Boost will forge new connections with networks, initiatives, and projects that share Circ-Boost vision to disseminate and compare the achieved results with a wide audience.
Inspiring change, shaping policies, and driving the construction industry towards a sustainable and circular future! Circ-Boost will raise awareness and disseminate the successful results to policy makers and the European-wide construction industry, ensuring Circ-Boost’s impact on the European society.

The French pilot
The project aims at deploying 5 pilots in 5 different regions. The French pilot will be operated by Cap Digital.
The French pilot is Focusing on :
– developping a digital and physical platform facilitating the connection between supply and demand for materials and waste
– making it possible to better identify the deposits of construction waste and the needs of the territory; explore innovative construction processes that make use of materials from deconstruction;
– structuring the recovery channels for materials and waste from the deconstruction of buildings.
Partners of the French pilot :
The other four pilots will be deployed to:
- Barcelona – to develop and deploy novel BIM-based selective demolition and decontamination techniques.
- Belgrade – to demonstrate in the Balkans region the integration of multiple innovative processes and techniques to build a pilot house with recycled and re-usable construction materials.
- Norway, Artic Region – to demonstrate an entire circular process “from demolition to construction” in the Arctic region of Norway deploying leading construction technologies and solutions for the region.
- Prague, Czech Republic – 100% recycled aggregate concrete industrial upscale.