AI4Cities – European project for carbon neutrality

AI4Cities is a three-year EU-funded project gathering six leading European cities looking for artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to accelerate carbon neutrality.

Helsinki (Finland), Amsterdam (Netherland), Copenhagen (Danemark), Paris Region (through Cap Digital), Stavanger (Norway), and Tallin (Estonia) are the six European cities and regions that wants to ask suppliers to provide with AI solutions for mobility and energy challenges, that will ultimately contribute to reduce CO2 emissions and meet their climate commitment.

The project

Accelerating carbone neutrality

Launched in January, the project aims to help the cities have the capability to deploy smart solutions designed to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and meet their carbon neutral goals.

Through AI4Cities, the Buyers Group — Helsinki, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Paris Region, Stavanger and Tallin — will go through a pre-commercial procurement process, an innovation procurement tool that enables the public sector to steer the development of new solutions (not-market-ready) directly towards its needs.

The buying authorities will first define the needs and requirements of the solutions on the MOBILITY and ENERGY fields they want to see developed in order to move towards carbon neutrality.

The participants — start-up, SMEs, bigger companies, academics, etc. — will be then challenged to design innovative solutions applying the use of AI and related emerging technologies such as big data applications, 5G, edge computing and IoT. 

What to expect?

Key figures

Project duration 3 years

When ? from January 2020 to December 2022

Total fundings 6.6 M€



  • Start-up, SMEs, bigger companies, researchers, developers and consortiums with ideas for innovative new digital-based solutions, based on AI and other emerging technologies
  • Stakeholders with an interest in promoting entrepreneurship for climate change, carbon neutrality, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, etc.
  • Cities and other public procurement organisations, interested in the potential uptake of the solutions developed within the AI4Cities PCP process



Presentation of the Open Market Consultation: May, 28th at 10a.m



Presentation of the project by Cap Digital: June, 23rd at 10a.m Program and registration coming soon

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